Our previous talks and interviews
We would love to speak at your conference or corporate event about the fascinating world of games and gamification!
Many of us are experienced speakers in the field of Game Design and Gamification, having done lecturers for renowned Swiss universities like the University of the Arts Zürich (ZHdK), the University of Applied Sciences Luzern (HSLU) or the SAE Institute of creative media education.
First Strike - Is it worth to remaster your studio classics? (GIC 2021)
Sometimes projects live longer than you expected. First Strike, the nuclear war RTS, was developed within three months in 2014 and became an unexpected mobile sensation that overtook 10 million lifetime players. But the cracks in the foundation started to show and the comparatively amateurish game was creating more work than intended for a now professional company of 15. Time to remaster! This talk is intended to give an insight into First Strike's history, practical tips to what it means to remaster, what fan reaction to expect and the opportunity such remaster brings.
Wie denkt ein Gameproduzent über neue Technologien? (Deep Technology Podcast, in German)
Blindflug Studios co-founder Moritz Zumbühl was a guest on the Deep Technology Podcast. The discussion is about the mass phenomenon of gaming, why gaming and game production is something completely different, about morally questionable game mechanics, game propaganda and what skills are needed to make the most of digitalization.
Gamify the Taxes: Wie zwei Gamedesigner die Steuererklärung gestalten würden (Staatskantine, in German)
How would two game designers design the tax return? How can we use man's innate play instinct to make this annual and boring exercise suddenly fun? Does the game-based approach establish a new relationship between citizens and the state? In this event hosted by the Finance Department of the City of Zurich and staatslabor, Moritz Zumbühl and Jeremy Spillmann of Blindflug Studios have tackled these questions.
#swissgames Interviews (in German)
Moritz Zumbühl conducted four interviews with game studio founders who talk about their experiences, ambitions and challenges in the Swiss game industry. The interviews with Tabea Iseli (Stardust), Michaela Rimensberger (Sycoforge), Goran Saric (Okomotive) and Michel Ziegler (Hidden Fields) show the diversity of Swiss game design, the passion of the creatives and their - by Swiss standards untypical - willingness to take risks.
Zukunftstag 2020: Blicke in die Arbeitswelt von Game-Entwickler_innen! (partly in German and English)
As one of the most well-known indie game studios in Switzerland, we at Blindflug Studios receive many requests for trial days and career tips. For the National Future Day 2020, some school kids would have liked to come by our studio to learn about the career fields and everyday work in the games industry. But that year, the Future Day unfortunately had to be cancelled due to the Corona crisis. We at Blindflug Studios still wanted to offer interested school children the chance to look into the working world of a game studio. On November 12, 2020, we broadcast a livestream for the entire workday, where you could digitally look over the shoulders of Blindflug Studios employees. Game designers, 2D artists, programmers and a game tester each presented themselves working from home for one hour and answered questions.
Game Festival Talks (selection)
Game Developers Conference – San Francisco, USA
Game Career Seminar: Fostering Long-Lasting Studio Creativity through Ideation and Prototyping (2024)
Devcom Gamescom - Cologne, Germany
Remastering for indies, how to keep your games going for years (2021)
Ludicious Game Festival - Zurich, Switzerland
Developing for consoles for indies, practical tips and tricks (2019)
GameZFestival - Zurich, Switzerland
Cloud Chasers and designing Serious Games (2016)
Brazilian Independent Games Festival - São Paulo, Brazil
The complete post-mortem of Cloud Chasers (2016)
Respawn Games Conference - Cologne, Germany
Airheart: Subversively making games with a message (2015)
Amaze Play Festival - Johannesburg, South Africa
How to use game mechanism to play the other side of the refugee crisis (2015)
Berlin Games Forum - Berlin, Germany
Financially viability of artistic, topical, political games (2015)
Input Talks (selection)
Ostschweizer Innovationstagung - St. Gallen, Switzerland
Do you understand fun? Games and Ludo-narrative dissonance (2019)
Swiss ICT Assembly - Zurich, Switzerland
The current state of the Swiss games industry and potential of eSports (2019)
Informatiksicherheitstagung des Bundes - Bern, Switzerland
How to playfully teach not get trumped by cyber attacks with a game (2019)
Pro Helvetia Stiftungsrat - Zurich, Switzerland
Presenting the Swiss industry overview to federal council president Alain Berset (2018)
Grafik18 Design Exhibition - Zurich, Switzerland
Comparison of Narrative Systems in Games (2018)
Amt für Gesundheit - Zug, Switzerland
Game development & gambling (2018)
GBS Swiss Interactive Media Design Day - St. Gallen, Switzerland
Designing for interactivity as a game developer (2016)
Swiss It Leadership Forum - Saint-Paul de Vence, France
Spielend Geschäfte machen? Und andere Fragen zum Homo Ludens 2.0 (2016)
MUC Music Managers Assembly - Usedom, Germany
The potential of artist branded games as companion pieces (2014)