“Zukunftstag 2022” at Blindflug Studios

Visiting day for school children to learn about the game industry

Were you or your children ever interested in the game industry, what kind of game development jobs exist, and what you actually do in those professions?

Questions like these get answered when school children visit companies for the yearly national “Zukunftstag” (Future Day) in Switzerland. Blindflug Studios always get many requests from kids who want to visit us for Zukunftstag, but we haven’t done an official visiting day like that yet. This is why decided for this year to prepare a trial program with different workshops and do an internal Zukunftstag with children from family and friends for an insightful day all about working in game development.

The day started with getting to know the Blindflug staff who happily introduced themselves and explained their field of work.

What does it mean to make game?

After the warm welcome from the team, our game designer Jeremy held an introduction about what it means to make a game and all the necessary components. After the presentation, the kids were able to create their own unique characters and come up with their dream game concepts.


Thanks to our master chef cook and programmer Andreas, the kids were able to enjoy some exquisite spaghetti al pomodoro which they ate away quickly!


Make your own game graphics!

Thanks to Dave, our 2D graphic designer, the kids were able to create and import 3D game assets into the game engine Unity and see their creation come to life. Dave explained the basics of what it means to import and use visual assets in a game engine.


Time to code!

Our programmer Andreas took the children under his wing for the next topic and showed them how to bring a scene to live using coding. He tried his best to explain it as simple as possible to spark interest and inspire some to become a programmer. As you can see in the video, it was quite a success with the children!


How to market your game!

Coming up with a game idea and cool characters is one thing, but making them is another. Still, even after that you finish those steps, you're still confronted with the important task of marketing your game to your target audience. This means coming up with marketing strategies and promotional content to catch the audience attention. For that, Nuria, our community manager, took the matter into her hands to make a crash course on marketing and showcase examples. Later on, the children were able to use their newly gained knowledge and make their own promotional texts and visuals for a special Blindflug Zukunftstag Twitter account.


After this eventful day came to a close, all the children played some rounds of Mario Tennis in our hangar before they were picked up from their parents. Overall, everyone was happy that the day finished successfully and without any injuries, though luckily in this field of work there isn’t much danger of that happening anyway. ;)

We at Blindflug Studios hope that we can present a similar program for the next Zukunftstag that children can join through the official Zukunftstag website. If after reading this blog post you are curious to join our next Zukunftstag but don’t want to wait a whole year, then fear not, as we did a big livestream during pandemic times which gives a more lengthy insight into the industry and work life at Blindflug Studios.

You can find the playlist under this link:


Our Game Recommendations – Short Story Focused Mobile Games


Combining Film and Game Technology - A Collaboration between Blindflug Studios and Samir